On the day this picture was taken, I read an article regarding the devastating effects of COVID-19 on women in the workplace. After a decade of advancements in corporate America, a record number of women had left their positions because of what has been coined: The She-Session. For real? Covid is going to erase progress? I thought - Hell no. Not on my watch!

Flashback 17 years ago. I was an executive of a major tech company and was proud to be the go-to woman in leadership. I’d rally colleagues to help me mentor more women. Each morning before work, I whispered in my little girl’s ear, “I’m doing this for you. And, one day, you’ll be grateful I carried this torch so you will never question gender equality. You’ll just go for it.”
Glass Ceilings, She-Session, Woman-in-Leadership Fatigue...I've heard it all before. I remember it when both of these photos were taken, 15 years ago and just a few weeks ago. I've been there, I've been HER. How did I grow through it and not around it? With the help of my Nest.
For more information about Executive Mom Nest, visit executivemomnest.com.

Executive Mom Nest Founder, Marcy Stoudt is passionate about developing leaders, bringing teams together, and creating a work environment where people thrive. For the past 25 years, she has worked with hundreds of women and executives and has coached, taught, and inspired results through confidence and balance.