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Write Your Book Now

 Pop-up Workshop


Write Your Book Now



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Write Your Book NOW!

A program for individuals who

wish to share their business and life solutions ...

in a (non-fiction) book ...

that they write ...

with the help of a guide ...


to Change the World

Writing a Book is HARD because ...

You don't know how to get started

You procrastinate

You're overwhelmed

You lack a plan

You have too many distractions


But it doesn't have to be!

How It Works

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If It's on Your Calendar ...

You're a go-getter. You have expertise to share. You like to do things on your own.

Write Your Book NOW! Mastermind is a 6 month program that gives you the time and space to write that book NOW! If it's on  your calendar, it gets done. 



It Gets Done.



Heroic Design Guidebook to help you structure your content in an engaging way to win audiences and change the world!


6 private coaching sessions (up to 1,000 words per month) to guide your book to success.



Monthly workshops to demystify writing, editing, publishing, and marketing.




2 hours per month access to the Writing Room, a dedicated virtual space to write with a guide.



A network to help you with next steps before, during, and after the writing process.



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Your Guide

Alison Nissen is a story strategist and ghostwriter who has taught collegiate composition and literature classes for over two decades. Alison was the winner of the 2016 Royal Palm Literary Awards Unpublished Autobiography/Memoir for Resolve, Courage, Hope. Alison is passionate about helping writers find and tell their stories to change the world with authority and authenticity on the stage, in small groups, or one-on-one.


Alison has interviewed over 200 authors on her Florida Writer Podcast.

We Get It

At Write Your Book NOW Mastermind we know that you are on a mission to change lives and the world with your message. Leadership and inspiration books are everywhere. As a genre, readers can't get enough of them—in fact, it's a multibillion-dollar industry.


The problem is that without a clear outline or plan, you struggle to structure your thoughts effectively. We understand that the sheer scope of writing a book is daunting, making it difficult to maintain momentum and motivation, which is why we created a program for you to write your book.


We start by:


1. Understanding your target audience to create a blueprint for your book using Heroic Design.

2. Reviewing the nuances of writing, editing, publishing, and marketing.

3. Providing the space and guidance needed to finish your book.


So stop procrastinating and change the world! It’s time to write a book that has impact and influence along with professional growth and opportunities.


Are you ready to join in the fun?

Why Wait?

Get Started NOW!

The author-reader relationship is a partnership. You need a foundation built on trust, which is why your book isn't for everyone. Discover your ideal reader with the Heroic Design Audience Worksheet.


Not everyone liked Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Star Wars. Not everyone liked Think and Grow Rich, Atomic Habits, or Find Your Why. But enough people fell in love with each of them that these books were graced as gifts for someone who might have otherwise rejected them.

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Alison, there are no words that adequately describe the deep gratitude I have for you. Thanks to you the words made it from my heart and mind to paper and will help others in difficult situations find hope.

Scott Headley, Author Resolve, Courage, Hope 

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