Tell Your Story Your Way
with Authority and Authenticity

As a lover of words, I became a literary and composition professor and later a ghostwriter/ghostblogger to help other people bring their stories to life including the 2016 Royal Palm Literary Award & Gold Medal winner for Resolve, Courage, Hope, the Unpublished Memoir of the Year.
Branded Interviews follows my passion for helping others tell their stories. While being interviewed on a radio program, I had an idea to turn my ghostwriting into videos. The rest was history.

Branded Interviews helps authors, coaches, entrepreneurs, and small businesses hone their message to make an impact for their media spaces by creating branded video interviews and blogging strategies that work for you. It's your story, tell it with authority and authenticity.
What video interviews and blogging have in common is that both are simple to create but many people are either camera-shy, word-shy, or both. Blogs create active websites that help authors, coaches, entrepreneurs, and small businesses own more of the internet. With each post, your website gains internet visibility. Blogs with video content are ranked higher by search engines. Put the two together and it's a win-win. Videos allow you to meet your customer or client where they are. No cold calling required. Don't let the market define your story, tell it your way with authority and authenticity through blogging and branded interview videos.

Are you camera shy? I help authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs make an impact with branded interview videos for their media spaces.
Do you hate cold calls? So do I! But with Branded Interviews, you make warm introductions, not cold calls by helping potential clients meet you where they live!
Are you in need of a video presence without breaking the bank? Explore my detailed Portfolio and get in touch to discover how I can help take your brand to the next level.
Control your message. We all have stories to share with our audience. With a Branded Interview, you tell your story your way.
Speak with purpose, not impulse. Create a series of branded interview videos that showcase the heart behind your business.
Build momentum. More people consume content via videos than text alone.
Build Trust. Consumers are more likely to trust a brand when they watch a branded video.
Create Your Blogging Strategy
Develop a Blogging Strategy that amplifies your public presence with private coaching.
What most small businesses owners, authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs don’t understand is how blogging is the easiest way to update their website, boost their SEO, and connect with their audience with the least amount of budget. In fact, blogging can be used as not only a “word post” but can be used in all forms of communication from email and newsletters to social posts. Learning to use SEO properly enhances the blog’s reach and connects with an ever-larger audience. And it can be achieved in under an hour a week.